Statutory goals of the Foundation and methods of their implementation
Cele i zasady działania Fundacji
§ 7
The foundation objectives are:
- Support for family and state children's homes, in particular equalizing the opportunities for children and young people being pupils of these homes.
- Activities for children and youth.
- Supporting the family and foster care system.
- Family, maternity and parenthood activities, dissemination and protection of children's rights. protection of children's rights.
- Social assistance, including assistance to families and people in difficult life situations and equalizing opportunities for these families and people.
- Educational and upbringing activities.
- Cultural activities.
- Promoting and supporting artistic and cultural activities.
- Physical culture and sport activities.
- Support and dissemination of physical culture and sport.
- Promotion of sporting, active life modes.
- Sporting children and youth in water disciplines - among others: windsurfing and kitesurfing.
- Activities in the field of tourism and sightseeing.
- Environmental activities, including conducting comprehensive activity on promoting ecology and living in harmony with nature.
- Environmental protection and education, upbringing and education in this field.
- Protection of natural heritage.
- Protection and promotion of health and a healthy lifestyle.
- Initiating and introducing positive changes at the level of public awareness in all areas of human life including environmental protection and animal rights.
- Beneficence and charity.
- Animal protection, including assistance to wild, bred, homeless animals and all others.
- Promoting and organizing volunteering.
- Activities for the integration and professional and social reintegration of people at risk of social exclusion.
- Employment promotion and professional activation of the unemployed and people threatened with dismissal.
- Activities supporting economic development, including entrepreneurship.
- Assistance to victims of disasters, natural disasters, armed conflicts and wars at home and abroad.
- Counteracting addictions and social pathologies.
- Activities for other NGOs.
§ 8
The Foundation fulfills its goals through:
- Material and financial assistance in Poland and abroad.
- Running and leasing organic farms, cooperation with other organic farms.
- Cooperation with natural and legal persons in the scope of achieving the statutory goals of Foundation as well as cooperation with entities conducting activities coinciding with the statutory objectives of the Foundation.
- Cooperation with local and government authorities, non-governmental organizations, media and other national and international organizations within the scope mentioned for the purposes of the Foundation's operation
- Organizing non-school forms of education, in particular ecological.
- Organizing funds, fundraisers, charity auctions among private and legal persons in Poland and abroad for the Foundation's activities.
- Funding scholarships and providing organizational, material and financial support to family and state orphanages and other charity activities.
- Taking action to prevent and limit spreading phenomena of social pathologies, in particular drug addiction, alcoholism and violence.
- Undertaking activities aimed at acquiring donors: private and legal persons, offering financial assistance for the implementation of statutory objectives of the Foundation.
- Organizing trainings, thematic meetings, conferences, lectures, exhibitions - including topics like ecology and living in harmony with nature.
- Organizing auctions for material assistance for the Foundation's pupils.
- Organizing artistic workshops: painting, sculpture, wickerwork, floristics, etc.
- Promotional, educational and publishing activities, including publishing of magazines and advertising brochures, posters, leaflets, folders, educationalmaterials.
- Organizing social and informative events and campaigns.
- Sport and movement activities, organization of domestic and foreign trips for Foundation's pupils.
- Cooperation with sports centers and other organized entities.
- Organizing domestic and international transport with donation gifts.
- Organizing meetings to exchange experiences of groups and individuals. operating in a field convergent with the objectives of the Foundation, as well as disseminating these experiences and providing advice and assistance to individuals intending to create organizations with a similar profile of activity.
Address: Slowicza 48, 71-690 Szczecin
Phone PL: 0048 573 071 667
Phone DK: 0045 71 83 39 80
KRS: 0000824028
Bank account nr: 7610 2047 950000 9402 0432 6880 PKO BP